The Open Journal by 9Spokes

Optimize Campaigns with Open Data | 9Spokes

Written by Ben Meinung-Thompson | 27 December 2022

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

An Open Data Platform with the right search functions can transform the customer identification process by eliminating manual filtering.


Identifying and targeting lower-risk customers for financial services offerings can be a difficult proposition. Without the right data, it can be a time consuming, costly, and often erroneous process.


Use an open data platform to run a successful campaign, by automating three vital elements:

  1. Identifying the right customers
  2. The right offer
  3. The right timing

With the help of an open data platform, serviced by a single API, financial services can increase efficiency by identifying and targeting current customers that meet specific characteristics. This removes the need for manual input selections and identification processes.

An open data platform, can provide a wide range of information and metrics from multiple inputs such as apps used by the customer for accounting, banking, sales. All available data is permissioned. This data can then allow for targeting of the right customers for a particular lending profile.

This process also removes the need for direct app integrations.

Findings and processes can then be established for future decisions, ultimately resulting in improved customer segmentation to surface offerings to in the future.